Monday, March 14, 2011

Michelle - Massimo Vignelli Magazines

"To design a magazine means to control the emotions of the reader by manipulating the visual content, pacing the images, playing with the white space, choosing the most appropriate typeface and size, scaling the pictures to obtain the desired effect."
Vignelli Associates

Within the field of magazine design, Vignelli has shown a strong preference for architectural magazines. He has used grids in many of his designs, for consistency, continuity and to speed up the production process.

Industrial Design 1967-1970
Industrial Design was the first magazine that Massimo designed in the US. The design was based on a grid format - unusual at that time. Using the grid sped up the production process and often the magazine could be designed in one day.

Oppositions 1973-1984
An esoteric magazine published for The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies. The magazine had more words than pictures with contributions from architectural critics and historians. The cover colour was kept the same, despite pressure to change it, to achieve a strong chromotype for the magazine’s identity.

Architectural Magazine
1990 and 1997
One of the best architectural magazines in the world, in 1990, Vignelli designed the magazine graphic format to be easy and simple to follow. Then in 1997, when the directorship of the magazine changed, Vignelli designed a new cover with a vertical band that continued through the magazine to separate projects.

Architectural Record Magazine, 1982
Over several years Vignelli designed every issue of Architectural Record. The design was based on a grid system to ensure consistency and continuity of design and to increase production speed.

Dot Zero, 1966-1967
“This was a magazine of design topics which we used to publish at Unimark International in the late 1960s. As with all magazines we design, Dot Zero was based on a modular grid which was articulated and violated whenever appropriate. It was set in Helvetica throughout, with titles in bold in the same type size. That kind of design was not popular in the United States at the time, and the magazine became seminal for that graphic style. Too bad it did not last beyond issue number five." Massimo Vignelli


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