"The single most iconic image of the punk era"
- Sean O'Hagan (The Observer)

Born in 1952, Jamie Reid is a british artist, anachrist, situationist, and activist, the man who cut-and-pasted the punk movement of the late 1970's. Responsible for the Sex Pistols legendary "never mind the bollocks" artwork, Reid is the man who put a safety pin through Her Majesty's lower lip.
He took part in a sit-in at Croydon art school - where he met and befriended Malcolm Mclaren (manager of the Sex Pistols) and later on asked him to work on the Sex Pistols "God Save The Queen' artwork. Loved and loathed, he visionally epitomized the D.I.Y punk ethic with his own form of visual anarchy.
Reid's stint as the Sex Pistols art director would result in the most provocative designs in rock music. His work demonstrated the power of graphic design in the music industry and opened a door to a strong new generation of British designers.
He has also done poster campaigns for Anti-poll tax and Anti-Criminal Justice Act.
In 1989 a Tokyo Gallery asked Reid to do a retrospective "Peace is Tough" the exhibit lasted for a strong 10 years.
Today he is involved with the Strongroom Recording Studios based in London.


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